ACA-PAC Outlook 2015
On Thursday November 19, Dr. Dana Sibilla had the honor of participating in the ACA-PAC Chairman’s Club Conference Call on behalf of GoodChiropractic.Org. Dr. Vern Saboe was on the call as well. Chairman John Gentile, Emory Rogers, John Falardeau and 330 members were present. The overall tone was optimistic. Dr. Gentile thanked the players for contributing at high levels and assisting with the fund raising overall.
Dr. Falardeau, Senior Vice President for Government Relations, gave a review of the changing landscape, including the Committee replacement of moderate Democrat US Senator Tom Harkin on the Senate side (Champion of “The Harkin Amendment”, now known as Section 2706(a)) by Senator Lamar Alexander (R) of Tennessee. Congressman Paul Ryan (R- Wisconsin) is now heading up the Medicare Committee. Overall, 89% of the Candidates supported by ACA-PAC won their races. Specific information about the political landscape, with issues and bullet points, can be found at (“Get Out the Vote”). We now have that link in our Membership Resources List.
ACA-PAC lobbying efforts in 2015 will be focusing on these committees. Dr. Falardeau reminded us that “‘Good Looks and Charm’ used to be effective, but lately financial contributions tend to carry the day.” Chiropractic needs to become competitive. While ACA-PAC contributed over $300,000 in the 2014 Cycle, we trailed by a huge margin. For example, Nurse Anesthetists – of which there are approximately 56,000 – contributed $1.4 Million – over a million dollars more.
NCLC was a topic, and by early reports the “L” will now be for the National Chiropractic LEADERSHIP conference. To register for NCLC, go to . We now also have that link available on our Resource Page – but you can click it right HERE.
A question from the membership dealt with the ACA-PAC’s position on prescription drugs, and the response was that ACA-PAC “has no position” – it’s a state-by-state issue. ACA-PAC backs the ACA Mission statement which does not currently endorse prescription drugs.
Dr. Falardeau called for more outreach by PAC Board Members, and highly supports more electronic fundraising. In the end, the largest call for support is ACA Member Registration.
GoodChiropractic.Org fits into this mix because our mission is to increase dual enrollment in both State and National Associations. In Oregon, this amounts to only 9% of our Doctors. As we succeed, we can help Partners like ACA and ACA-PAC achieve its goals. Please encourage a colleague to “Member Up” with their State and National Associations – so they can join GoodChiropractic.Org today. With your membership, and your colleague’s, we exist to serve the Public and the Profession.