The Doctors of are members of both their State and National Chiropractic Associations. They have verified credentials and are not currently subject to any disciplinary actions. They are committed to the highest standards of effective, professional practice, and perform public service functions.
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Our Website is currently being reloaded, and will soon feature a full Member Portal here, including Logos, Profile Photo, contact and referral facility.
Dana Sibilla DC DABCO FACO
NE Portland, OR
Member, Oregon Chiropractic Association – Platinum Level
Chair, OCA Internet Professionalism & Social Media Advisory Committee
Member, American Chiropractic Association
Member, International Chiropractors Association
Dan Beeson, DC
SE Portland, OR (Sellwood)
Member, Oregon Chiropractic Association – Platinum Level
Past President; Current OCA Board Member
Member, American Chiropractic Association
Allen Knecht, DC
SW Portland, OR
Member, Oregon Chiropractic Association – Platinum Level
OCA Current Board Member
Chair, Membership Committee
Member, American Chiropractic Association
Vern Saboe, Jr, DC., DACAN., FICC., DABFP., FACO
Member, Oregon Chiropractic Association – Platinum Level
OCA Lobbyist, ACA Representative
Member, American Chiropractic Association
Brian Seitz, DC
Hillsboro, OR
Member, Oregon Chiropractic Association (OCA)
OCA Current Board Member, President
Member, American Chiropractic Association
Laura LaJoie, DC
Wilsonville, OR
Member, Oregon Chiropractic Association (OCA)- Platinum Level
OCA Current Board Member, Vice President
Member, American Chiropractic Association
William Henderson, DC
N Portland, OR
Member, Oregon Chiropractic Association (OCA)- Platinum Level
OCA Current Board Member, Treasurer
Member, American Chiropractic Association
Michael Hickel, DC
Happy Valley, OR
Member, Oregon Chiropractic Association (OCA)
OCA Current Board Member
Member, American Chiropractic Association
Joyce McClure, DC DACRB, CES
SW Portland, OR
Member, Oregon Chiropractic Association (OCA)
OCA Current Board Member
Member, American Chiropractic Association
Aaron Radspinner, DC
Beaverton, OR
Member, Oregon Chiropractic Association (OCA)
OCA Current Board Member
Member, International Chiropractors Association
William Schneider DC
NE Portland, OR
Member, Oregon Chiropractic Association (OCA)
OCA Current Board Member
Member, American Chiropractic Association
Gregory Blanchfill, DC
Yoncalla, OR
Member, Oregon Chiropractic Association (OCA)
OCA Current Board Member
Member, American Chiropractic Association
Andrea Herrst, DC
SW Portland, OR
Member, Oregon Chiropractic Association (OCA)
OCA Current Board Member
Member, American Chiropractic Association
John Paul Whitmire, DC
Salem, OR
Member, Oregon Chiropractic Association (OCA)
OCA Current Board Member
Member, American Chiropractic Association (ACA)
Ed Hacmac, DC
Milwaukie, OR
Member, Oregon Chiropractic Association (OCA) – Platinum Level
OCA Insurance Relations Committee Chair
Member, International Chiropractors Association (ICA)
Tyrone Wei, DC DACBR
Member, Oregon Chiropractic Association (OCA)
Member, American Chiropractic Association (ACA)
<Contact us at if you would like to be removed from this list.
This list is NOT visible to the public, but you can be searched from outside.
If you have problems joining, please contact us at .
In your email, provide use with your Full Name, Credentials (ie, DC etc), Practice Address,
State of License, License #, State Association Member Number, ACA or ICA member Number.
We will contact you with an application packet while our Member Portal is being loaded.>